
Abstract ‘Superior’ potatoes were planted on May 1 in Sunderland, MA. Eptam was applied and incorporated prior to planting. The soil type was a fine sandy loam with a pH of ca 5.5. Treatment plots were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design. Each plot consisted of two 10 m rows with a 1 m fallow area between each plot. Temik was placed into the seed furrow at planting with a Gandy applicator (Line Tender Model). The Temik sidedress was applied prior to first hilling (May 30) as a band 20 cm to 1 side of the row. Foliar treatments were applied with a 12 liter stainless steel backpack sprayer at 275-345 K pascals and a delivery of 650 liter/ha. Foliar spray applications were made on Jun 10, 17 and 25; Jul 1, 22 and 30. The Jun 10 application of Ambush (0.22 kg/ha) was missed. Evaluation of the various insecticidal treatments utilized direct counts of the number of potato beetle larvae/10 hills and foliar injury ratings. Injury was rated on a scale of 0-5 as follows: 0 - no damage; 1 - less than 10% defoliation; 2 - 25% defoliation; 3 - 50% defoliation; 4 - 75% defoliation and 5 - complete defoliation. Yields were taken on Aug 20 and 21.

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