
Background. Context is the essential tool to connect the sentences in the text. The formalization of the context relations has been well considered for cohesion. However, the role of coherence in the context relations requires its studying. Since both kinds of the linkage participate in the forming the context relations there is a need to develop a system of analysis of context which considers both categories of textuality. There is in pragmatics different approaches to examine contexts. In the article is given a short analysis of the minimalists and contextualists approaches. It is shown that contextualists approach fits more for the text analysis.
 Materials and methods. The research material comprises fragments of fiction and non-fiction texts containing clearly manifested context relations. Methods used – discourse analysis, classification.
 Purpose. To establish specificity of the cohesive and coherence connections between the sentences linked by means of the context relations.
 Results. Contextual relations are defined as relations between base of the context and the context. Base of context are context sensitive expressions and parts of sentence obtained context sensitivity in some conditions. The selected texts illustrate that context relations are manifested to a greater or lesser extent depending on context sensitivity of the base of context. A pattern has been revealed that the importance of coherence increases as the level of the context sensitivity while reducing the level of the context sensitivity or vice versa.

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