
This study explores the dynamics of code-switching used in Generation Z’s (Gen-Z) communication practices, revealing it as a dynamic and adaptive strategy employed in diverse social contexts. Gen-Z exhibits context-specific types of code-switching, utilizing informal and casual forms, such as slang and non-formal language, in peer interactions. Within familial settings, a seamless transition between formal and informal language aligns with established family norms, while professional environments witness the use of formal and professional language. The strategic use of code-switching and slang by Gen-Z serves as a nuanced communication approach, catering to specific social scenarios. In informal peer contexts, the incorporation of slang fosters a sense of camaraderie, while code-switching acts as a tool for expressing emotions and personal identity, reflecting individuals’ comfort in conveying specific feelings or ideas in a chosen language. This research contributes to a comprehensive understanding of Gen-Z’s language practices, showcasing their adeptness in navigating diverse linguistic landscapes, expressing identity, and adapting to social expectations. Such insights are pivotal for fostering effective intergenerational and cross-cultural communication, bridging understanding between different linguistic and cultural groups.

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