
The efficiency of healthcare functioning is a multidimensional category, manifested both by indicators of the socio-economic development of regions, and by the level of financing of medicine, its digitalization, quality and accessibility of services. In international comparisons, the effectiveness of healthcare systems is based on indicators of life expectancy and mortality of the population. However, there is no consensus in the scientific community about the greatest impact and importance of certain factors on the efficiency of medical institutions. In addition, the heterogeneity of the regional development of the Russian economy and, as a consequence, the differentiation of medical institutions require their cluster differentiation and appropriate analysis. The article presents a study of healthcare efficiency factors in the Republic of Tatarstan in the context of 45 municipalities. The resulting indicator of the healthcare functioning of the region is the mortality rate of the population of working age. 22 indicators were chosen as factor signs. The study revealed a significant variability of the resulting indicator in the context of 45 municipalities of the region: from the lowest value - 373 in medical institutions of the third cluster (11 municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan) to 639 - the fourth cluster (8 municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan). In the course of the calculations and econometric analysis, a significant contribution (78.73) is made by the main component, represented by indicators of the effectiveness of the use of ultrasound and endoscopic equipment; the next main component with a coefficient of informativeness of 70.57 is characterized by preventive measures and diagnosis of diseases.

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