
Ethnocultural identification is self-realization that unites an individual with society. Ethnocultural and personal identity leads to the formation and development of one’s civic/ethnic identity. Increasing complexity of social relationship structures has transformed different groups. Ethnicity has entered a higher-order identification system (economic, political, ideological), and is acquiring various cultural and political shades, which suggests the presence of dynamic blocks for identification of structures in consciousness that reflect individual response to social changes. Using Almaty as the model, our study clarifies the significance of identities of specific ethnic groups in the formation of cultural identity in a multicultural society. Using the city of Almaty as the model, our study clarifies the significance of the identities of specific ethnic groups in the formation of a cultural identity in a multicultural society. With the acquisition of the State independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the issue of ethnicity was a special place. Ethnic Kazakhs got political power and became a privileged group, while the second largest group are ethnic Russians have become new minority or even diaspora (a term used by some Kazakh ideologues). As a result, this categorization of citizens of one country has contributed to the strengthening of their ethnic identity, which, in turn, has become a problem for the successful formation of a nationwide public-civil identity. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n20p2543

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