
One of the fundamental problems of the development of modern society is the formation of a genuine cultural identity of man. The formed cultural identity of a person is a condition of its entry into a multicultural environment, as positive attitude towards another culture is not possible without awareness of its culture. The article reveals the thesis that musical culture, as a kind of artistic culture and part of spiritual culture, has enormous potential in the formation of cultural identity of the individual. The authors of the article prove that the identification function of musical culture is realized in connection with a number of its other functions. Cumulative function of musical culture is realized in accumulation, storage, generalization in their individual images of value-cognitive outlook of culture. The communicative function of musical culture is manifested in the fact that it is a universal system of communication of people at all levels, from the interindividual to the level of generations. As a result, there is a process of comparing the individual with the “other” (hero of the musical work), identification or vice versa, isolation from him. The communicative function comes close to the consolidating function. In the process of perception of musical work or its performance in the consciousness of the individual, a sense of belonging to the culture of his ethnic group, affinity with his culture is formed. The function of reflecting reality shows itself in reflecting in artistic images ideas, emotions and the subject world. Identifying with them, a person has individually colored associations, and emotional resonance is carried out. This emotional empathy, manifested in identifying the emotional mood of the recipient with the meaningful deployment of the musical work, is a way of ethical influence on the person and causes his cultural selfidentification. Here, the reality reflection function is connected to the emotional function of the music culture. The function of reflection of validity is also related to the cognitive function of musical culture. In modern historical conditions, when the “connection of times and generations” has been interrupted for a long period, musical culture is one of the sources of modern man‘s knowledge of the moral traditions of mankind. Without the knowledge of culture, the formation and formation of cultural identity is impossible. The ethical function shows itself in that it contains cultural specimens of ethnos. Musical culture provides individuals with basic cultural landmarks, distinctive images of cultural identity. Art provides individuals with a set of symbols with which it can associate itself (a set of potential positive and negative identities). The authors also define psychological mechanisms for the formation of cultural identity in the process of musical activity - identification and isolation.

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