
Abstract Tank mixes of Mitac, foliar nutritionals and an 0.75% oil emulsion were evaluated as dilute sprays vs. citrus rust mite in a block of single-bedded 'Hamlin' orange trees planted on a 15 × 25 ft spacing. The nutritional spray contained zinc, copper, boron, and manganese (ZnCuBMn). The 2-tree plots were separated from adjacent plots by unsprayed guard rows. Applications were made on Jun 27 with a John Bean Royalier JK-20T hydraulic sprayer operated at 200 psi and equipped with a double Boyce gun. Approximately 5 gals of spray were needed to spray each tree to 'run-off'. At the indicated pre- and post-treatment intervals, population density on fruit was determined by recording the total number of live rust mites seen in the 1.2 cm2 field of a 10X hand lens at 2 sites on each of 15 fruit selected while the examiner circled each target tree. Fruit injury was determined with the aid of a 2 ft2 frame positioned at a height of 6 ft on the perimeter of the tree canopy. All fruit within the square was examined for peel russet. For each treatment, a frame count was made in each quadrant of 16 trees.

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