
Abstract: Music video is another explaination for a song that made with visual appeareance, can be seen by vision as human’s sense. Every music video contains specific purpose that the creator wants to deliver to the listeners. As well as a song written and created by Ariana Grande called “God Is A Woman”. The music video was uploaded in her Youtube channel at july 13 th 2018 and reached 268 Millions views until now. Showing the side of a woman in her music video makes the researcher interested to do research about woman’s image in “God Is A Woman” music video by Ariana Grande using cualitative research method with John Fiske’s Semiothic Analysis approach aim to see three construct level such as reality level, representation level and ideology level. Aspects for reality level in terms of appearance, makeup and behavior, while representation level in terms of shooting technique, angle technique and lyrics of the music. Woman’s image shown in this music video is braveness, superiority, and their own ability. Also, the power owned deliver majesty of the woman. In ideology level be concluded that “God Is A Woman” music video aim to feminism, but there are few comprehension about feminism so there are different views about feminism in creator’s and viewers perspective specially by islam perspective. Key word: Music video, “God Is A Woman”. Woman’s Image, John Fiske’s Semiothic, feminism.

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