
This article is devoted to the study of polycoded and multimodal nature of the cinematic discourse as a semiotically heterogeneous phenomenon. The cinematic discourse is interpreted as a complex integrated socially and culturally conditioned mental-communicative phenomenon that is characterized by a combination of lingual and non-lingual codes in its structure and is polycoded and multimodal by its nature. The paper analyzes the main approaches to the interpretation of the cinematic discourse as a creolized / polycoded / multimodal formation, proves the assumption that the cinematic discourse cannot be considered creolized, as it consists of more than two code systems that are in complex interaction aimed at constructing the meaning. The polycoded nature of the cinematic discourse focuses on the combination of several code systems attracted by filmmakers to construct the meaning. The multimodal nature of the cinematic discourse emphasizes its dynamic character and focuses on the addressee considering his cognitive and social features. The combination of different semiotic systems conduces to the film meaning construction.

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