
Introduction. The work is devoted to problem of gastrointestinal tract functioning due to chronic problem in kidneys. The initial recognition of kidney disease as independent from other medical conditions is widely attributed to Richard Bright’s 1827 book “Reports of Medical Cases,” which detailed the features and consequences of kidney disease. The CKD influence GIT by Disruption of the colonic microbiome and its attendant as a result of which there is loss of gut barrier integrity and increased generation of uremic toxins resulting in disruption of GIT normal functioning.
 Goal. To study the causes of clinical manifestations of chronic kidney disease and how it affects GIT.
 Materials and Methods. Review of modern and foreign literary sources; methods – description, analysis, abstracting.
 Results and discussion. CKD is common in US and in adults over 30 the reason behind that is Diabetes leading to kidney disease. Both: type 1 and type 2 diabetes. But also heart disease and obesity can contribute to the damage that causes kidneys to fail. Research suggests that gene GPX1, GSTO1, GSTO2, UMOD, and MGP genes are associated with CKD. The pathophysiology of CKD has a lot to contribute in GIT malfunctioning.
 Conclusions. The link between GIT malfunctioning and kidney pathology can be explained by the pathophysiology of CKD and its outcomes affecting GIT.

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