
The development of technology can be used to improve the quality of learning, for example the use of computers as learning media. This study aims to measure the effectiveness of Chem-Rox games as learning media for the concept of redox in terms of learning outcomes and student motivation. This study used one group pretest posttest design method. The subjects in the study were conducted on class X students of MA Al-Arifin Probolinggo. Before learning was carried out pretest and after learning was given posttest. The results of the data obtained were analyzed quantitatively. The results of this study indicate that the n-gain obtained is 0.71-1 in the high category and the t test is obtained by the tvalue of 11.266 > ttable 2.093 and the increase in students learning motivation as seen from the tvalue 21.838 > ttable 2.093. From these data it can be stated that there is a significant difference between the average learning motivation of students before and after learning using the Chem-Rox game. Thus can be concluded that the Chem-Rox game is effectively used as a learning media based on increasing learning outcomes and increasing learning motivation of students on the concept of redox material.


  • From these data it can be stated that there is a significant difference between the average learning motivation of students before and after learning using the Chem-Rox game

  • Can be concluded that the Chem-Rox game is effectively used as a learning media based on increasing learning outcomes and increasing learning motivation of students on the concept of redox material

  • Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia, 14 (1), 20092018

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1 2 Chemistry Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Jl. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektivitas permainan Chem-Rox sebagai media pembelajaran konsep reaksi reduksi dan oksidasi ditinjau dari hasil belajar dan motivasi belajar peserta didik. Subjek dalam penelitian dilakukan terhadap peserta didik kelas X MA Al-Arifin Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa n-gain yang diperoleh sebesar 0,71-1 dalam kategori tinggi dan uji t diperoleh nilai t hitung 11,266 > t table 2,093 dan peningkatan motivasi belajar peserta didik yang dilihat dari nilai t hitung 21,838 > t table 2,093. Dari data tersebut dapat dinyatakan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata motivasi belajar peserta didik sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pembelajaran menggunakan permainan Chem-Rox. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan Chem-Rox efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran didasarkan pada meningkatnya hasil belajar dan meningkatnya motivasi belajar peserta didik pada materi konsep reaksi reduksi dan oksidasi. Kata Kunci: Permainan Chem-Rox, media pembelajaran, konsep reaksi reduksi dan oksidasi, motivasi peserta didik

Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik
Post test
Pembelajaran Pembelajaran
Skor Motivasi
Based Science Learning Enviroment
International Journal of Chemistry
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