In 2017, Shenzhen replaced all its buses with battery e-buses (electric buses) and has become the first all-e-bus city in the world. Systematic planning of the supporting charging infrastructure for the electrified bus transportation system is required. Considering the number of city e-buses and the land scarcity, large-scale bus charging stations were preferred and adopted by the city. Compared with other EVs (electric vehicles), e-buses have operational tasks and different charging behavior. Since large-scale electricity-consuming stations will result in an intense burden on the power grid, it is necessary to consider both the transportation network and the power grid when planning the charging infrastructure. A cost-minimization model to jointly determine the deployment of bus charging stations and a grid connection scheme was put forward, which is essentially a three-fold assignment model. The problem was formulated as a mixed-integer second-order cone programming model, and a “No R” algorithm was proposed to improve the computational speed further. Computational studies, including a case study of Shenzhen, were implemented and the impacts of EV technology advancements on the cost and the infrastructure layout were also investigated.
Today, problems associated with internal combustion engine vehicles have become severe and include oil shortage and vehicle emission pollution [1,2]
Other focuses on e-buses were based on charging infrastructure comparison [45,46,47], the charging strategy interacting with the power grid [48], and the Battery Management System (BMS) [49,50,51,52]
This study aimed at large-scale bus charging station planning, considering both the transportation network and the power grid
Problems associated with internal combustion engine vehicles have become severe and include oil shortage and vehicle emission pollution [1,2]. TThhee ddeessiiggnn sskkeettcchh ooff tthhee YYuueelliiaannggwwaann BBuuss CChhaarrggiinngg SSttaattiioonn. There are three charging technologies: battery swapping [14,15], plug-in charging [16,17], and wireless charging [18]. Vehicle manufacturers are reluctant to promote battery standardization because it means that this important part of the profit will be lost For this reason, the swapping mode is not widely used. In Shenzhen, e-buses can be in service for about 8 years [24], while their battery lifetime is shorter and is dependent on the recharge cycles. For the lithium iron phosphate batteries used in most e-buses [25], such as the e-bus model, K9, produced by BYD and currently running in Shenzhen, the batteries can recharge for about 4000 cycles [26]. For the remaining 1 million yuan, the battery costs were 0.35 million and the bus body costs were 0.65 million [27]
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