
We consider charged boson stars and study their effect on the structure of the vacuum. For very compact particle like “stars”, with constituent mass m ∗ close to the Planck mass m Pl , i.e. m 2 ∗ = O(αm 2 Pl) , we argue that there is electric charge Z c , which, primarily, is due to the formation of a pion condensate ( Z c ≅ 0.5 α −1 e, where α is the fine structure constant and e is the electric charge of the positron). If the charge of the “star” is larger than Z c we find numerical evidence for a complete screening indicating a limiting charge for a very compact object. There is also a less efficient competing charge screening mechanism due to spontaneous electron-positron pair creation in which case Z c ≅ α −1 e. Astrophysical and cosmological abundances of charged compact boson stars are briefly discussed in terms of dark matter.

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