
Simultaneous TLR gene expression estimation (the prognosis of abortion and miscarriage), mucosal microbiocenoses types, mucosal immunity state estimation, presence or absence of clinical manifestation of miscarriage, pregnancy course (unfavorable prognosis-immunological rejection of the fetus or complicated pregnancy course and miscarriage, favorable prognosis-immunological irritation or normal fetal development, abortion-miscarriage), presence or absence of infection and/or clinical manifestation of infectious and inflammatory conditions can be objective additional criteria for estimation and prognosis of pregnancy course as well as to personalize the adequate treatment and prevention of abortion and miscarriage. Pathogenetic (concomitant increased reaction of mucosal epithelial cells receptors for developing fetus and infectious process leads to abortion and miscarriage) and TLR diagnostic role in pregnancy is established. In obstetric infections in pregnant women levels of gene expression of TLR-2 – 21.2 and above, TLR-4 – 23.0 and above, TLR-8 – 25.7 and above indicate a high degree of infection with clinical manifestations of urogenital infections, and in the levels of genes expression of TLR-8 - 26 and below verifies chronic urogenital infections, while levels of gene expression TLR-8 above 26 verifies acute course of urogenital infections TLR-8 level above 28 is a predictor of pregnancy termination and miscarriage.

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