
The purpose of the publication is to study the essence and current state of international migration in Ukraine during the war. This issue is especially relevant in the context of the current economic crisis caused by a full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine. To achieve the goal, general scientific methods were used: statistical and calculation-mathematical - with the help of which all the necessary initial information was formed for the analysis of international migration in Ukraine during the full-scale invasion of the russian Federation on Ukrainian territory. Using the method of scientific generalization, the relevance of the topic in the conditions of the economic crisis caused by the war was revealed. Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine provoked Europe's largest wave of refugees since World War II. To form the basis of the research, first of all, the dynamics of forced international migration in Ukraine, the structure of migrants by gender, age group, level of education and field of employment were analyzed. The main results of the research, which represent a scientific novelty, were: a proposal to create a State institution for work with the Ukrainian diaspora, which, among other things, will be responsible for the development of ties between Ukraine and Ukrainian migrants. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the creation of a State institution for work with the Ukrainian diaspora, which, among other things, will be responsible for the development of Ukraine's ties with Ukrainian migrants and the introduction of institutional mechanisms to assist Ukrainian citizens in returning to their homeland, namely: assistance in restoring destroyed housing, lending for starting one's own business, humanitarian and financial assistance for current needs, medical care and social assistance; targeted projects supporting refugees and guaranteeing their employment. The main factor in the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war will be the return of Ukrainian refugees who are currently abroad. Trusting millions of migrants will require the work of the state in many directions: from security to social.

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