
Two different kinds of thermoelectric mass flow sensor were fabricated and their characteristics were discussed. A meandering Pt-heater and Bi–Sb or chromel–alumel thermocouple hot junctions were realized on a stress-compensated 150 nm Si3N4/300 nm SiO2/150 nm Si3N4 membrane thermally isolated from the silicon substrate using silicon bulk micromachining. To investigate the flow-induced variations of temperature distribution quantitatively, four thermocouple hot junctions were located symmetrically at each side of a Pt-heater along the flow direction. The flow path tube was prepared on the back of the sensor. The N2-flow sensitivity value for the sensor with the Bi–Sb thermocouples was found to be much higher than that for the sensor with the chromel–alumel thermocouples. However, the linear range of the N2-flow sensitivity for the sensor with the chromel–alumel thermocouples was wider than that for the sensor with the Bi–Sb thermocouples.

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