
Graphene hybrid materials have crucial role in the development of novel advanced functional nanomaterials. Research in graphene hybrid functional materials has provided smart materials that integrate the best characteristics of the inorganic 2-D graphene structure with organic or biological realms. The properties of hybrid materials are not only the sum of the individual contributions, and the crucial role of their inner interfaces could be dominant. Graphene hybrid materials are divided into two classes comprising class 1 in which graphene and other components are embedded via hydrogen, van der Waals, or ionic bonds and class 2 where graphene and other components are linked together through covalent or ionocovalent bonds. Both approaches provide the necessary cohesion to hold the graphene and other constituents in the hybrid platform. Hybrid graphene materials do not only represent creative opportunities for the fabrication of unique materials for research but also, due to their improved unique properties, offer promising applications in many areas especially in medicine. This chapter comprehensively reviews the graphene types, graphene hybridization methods, and graphene hybrid applications in biomedical areas.

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