
Recent understanding of energetic particles’ impact on the stratospheric ozone is usually limited to its destruction by the NOx and HOx ozone destructive cycles. This chapter reveals that ion-molecular chemistry, initiated by the lower energetic electrons in the Regener–Pfotzer maximum, is able to initiate autocatalytic O3 production in the lower stratosphere. This additional source of ozone is able to explain many puzzling features of ozone, including its longitudinal and hemispherical asymmetry. Moreover, the chapter shows that the long-term variations of atmospheric specific humidity at 150hPa covariate with the ozone at 70hPa, as well as with the centennial variations of galactic cosmic rays (GCR). The statistical analysis provided implies that this relation is more likely to be due to the interdependence between near tropopause ozone and water vapour, instead of the individual impact of GCRs on both ozone and water vapour.

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