
In this chapter, the main goal is to get a cryptosystem with lesser complexity, which derives smaller ciphertext. Encryption and decryption provide a secure way of data transfer from one point to another. Bluetooth, a wireless technology, uses radio technology with a short range. Bluetooth is designed with the view of low-energy-consuming devices. Data transferred over Bluetooth too need security; for this, encryption of the data to be sent is done. Later, the data is decrypted using the same key. The whole process requires key generation and multiple rounds, which in turn consumes energy. As the device has low processing power, making a heavy computation is not possible. If the host with which the Bluetooth is attached has a good amount of computational power, then there is no problem, but when no such condition prevails, it is good to make a system such that it consumes a lesser amount of energy and requires lesser computational power. In this chapter, there is neither need heavy calculation nor large volume of memory using genetic codons for encryption. It is a simple replacement but it involves preprocessing to get the required plaintext. The given process does not require any major mathematical calculation and hence is computationally economic. There is merely the mapping of the plaintext with the genetic codon to convert it into ciphertext, but there are certain processes performed that provide the necessary strength to the ciphertext. The genetic codon, due to its versatility, provides us even stronger ciphertext than its mathematical counterpart.

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