
A job hazard analysis (JHA) documents procedures that can be used to review job methods and uncover hazards that may exist in a workplace.. Discussion method and observation method are the two methods to conduct a JHA. JHAs can also be used to document changes in work tasks. Some solutions to potential hazards may be physical changes that eliminate or control the hazard or a modified job procedure that will help eliminate or minimize the hazard. All employees should be trained how to use a JHA. Managers are in the best position to do the training by observing the job as it is being performed to determine whether or not the employee is doing the job in accordance with the job procedures. A JHA should be monitored to determine its effectiveness in reducing or eliminating hazards. It is important to assign both authority and specific responsibility to implement each protective measure. A safety engineer may need to provide the training; the manager should provide safe tools and equipment; and the employees should inspect their tools to ensure that they are in safe condition. It is important to remember that JHAs should be easily readable. For readability, JHAs need to be typed. They should be placed at every workstation. It is important to highlight the most critical hazards for special attention. The objective is to make a JHA a user-friendly document that everyone can read to understand the hazards of the identified task.

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