
PicBasic Pro (PBPro) is a full-featured compiler and has many features. This chapter provides a good reference summary and also offers an alternate explanation of the commands. The PBPro list of commands is extensive. Some of the commands are often used and others are specific to unique applications. Some PBPro commands operate slightly different from PicBasic Compiler (PBC) commands of the same name and some commands function the same but have a slightly different format. The way the PBPro compiler handles variables, constants, symbols, and pin names makes it a more powerful compiler. Comments within a PBPro program can be formatted in the same two ways as PBC. PBPro adds a bunch of new math operators to the list that PBC offers. PBPro also performs math in hierarchical order. That means multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction. The PBPro command structure deals with the unique PIC memory much better than PBC. PICs have an internal page boundary that is limited to 2k. PBC has not handled this well but PBPro fixes this issue. PBPro even has some special commands for dealing with tables that cross the 2k page boundary.

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