
The exploration and exploitation of crude oil resources in different oil-producing areas of the world have its negative impacts on the inhabitants and their immediate surroundings, upon which they depend for their means of livelihood. The results showed in most cases, illustrates the abundance and economic benefits of the explored oil in these areas and to the nation at large. Sustainable development means taking care of the present needs of the people without compromising or causing harm to the way or survival of the generations to come. Oil, an important natural resource provides revenue through exploration and exportation for many industrialized countries which help them to fulfill important national economic and development goals. The Niger Delta region in Nigeria is known for its abundant crude oil deposits, and this has been the mainstay of the country’s economy since its commercial discovery and exploration. Oil exploration and production operations has contributed in no small scale to the growth and development of the country in the area but it has its negative effect on the fisheries livelihoods of the people due to pipeline leakages, spills from ports and storage areas around the production sites within the vicinity of fresh, coastal and marine waters, which have deleterious effects on fisheries livelihoods. This would impact fisheries ecosystems, prevent access to appropriate customary fishing, landing, processing and market grounds. The damage from oil and gas operations has grossly impacted negatively on fisheries and other resources because of the pollution that caused environmental stress on the coastal ecosystem which compromised livelihood and health of the region’s impoverished residents. Crude oil exploration and exploitation has led to pollution, characterized by oil contaminated streams and rivers, forest destruction and biodiversity loss which make the area to look like an ecological wasteland. Negative impacts of oil and gas exploration and production processes would have been avoided or drastically reduced, if local fishermen can be interacted with to seek their views on how well to explore and manage their environment before the commencement of the production cycle. This will enable them to notify the oil producers about the appropriate time and specific periods or seasons that will not tamper with their livelihoods.

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