
This chapter discusses the Gerbich blood group system. The terminology, expression, database accession numbers, and the carrier molecule related to the Gerbich blood group system are also reviewed. The Gerbich blood group became a system in 1990. The function and disease association of this blood group system is also discussed. This blood group aids in the maintenance of the red blood cell (RBC) membrane integrity via interaction with protein 4.1. It also contributes to the negatively charged glycocalyx. Glycophorin C (GPC) and glycophorin D (GPD) are markedly reduced in protein 4.1-deficient RBCs and can be associated with hereditary elliptocytosis. The majority of RBC samples with Leach or Gerbich phenotypes have a weak expression of the Kell blood group system antigens. The chapter also discusses the terminology, occurrence, and expression of Ge2-, Ge3-, and Ge4-antigens.

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