
This chapter highlights the use of petroleum coke and petroleum-based products as opportunity fuels. There are several petroleum-based opportunity fuels, led by petroleum coke. These fuels have made their way into large utility and industrial boilers and into process industries such as cement manufacture and steel production. The characteristics of petroleum coke indicate a fuel that is high in calorific value and carbon content. However, it is not highly reactive as indicated by the maximum volatile yield, H/C atomic ratio, O/C atomic ratio, or kinetics of devolatilization and char oxidation. On the other hand, alternative petroleum-based opportunity fuels such as pitch and Orimulsion® are highly reactive as indicated by volatile/fixed carbon ratios, H/C atomic ratios, and O/C atomic ratios. Petroleum coke can be highly useful as a supplementary fuel in cyclone boilers, pulverized coal (PC) boilers, and fluidized bed boilers. It can be the exclusive fuel for circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers as well. Alternatively, petroleum coke can be used in integrated gasification–combined cycle combustion turbine (IGCC) applications or as an additive in the production of metallurgical coke.

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