
This chapter provides a detailed analysis of ancient and buried deposits in various parts of the world. It describes the Cerro Blanco deposit of Argentina, deeply buried deposit of glauberite in Canada, nitrate deposits in Chile, ancient deposits of sodium sulfate minerals in China, and deposits related to various other parts of United States and Europe. The chapter provides a geographical diagram to reveal the Cerro Blanco deposit of Argentina that is a relatively small thenardite (Na2SO4) formation located 18 km southeast of Rodeo, and 2.4 km east of Las Flores, Departmento Inglesia, Province of San Juan. It mentions that there are four mineralized levels (beds) containing multiple lenses of thenardite of various dimensions, occasionally interbedded with similar lenses of gypsum that have been transformed from anhydrite. The chapter also reveals that buried deposit of glauberite (Na2SO4.CaSO4) occurs in the upper part of the Lower Carboniferous Albert Formation, overlying at least 60%, and grading into a (13 km2 [5 mi2]) halite (NaCl) deposit in the small nonmarine Weldon-Gautreau Basin. The chapter also discusses other deposits belonging to other regions of the world.

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