
Therapists are asked to summarize a patient's status at the beginning of treatment and at the end of the time services were rendered. The forms, scales, templates, and guidelines provided in this chapter assist the therapist chart out the results of the therapy and the changes that have occurred. The education of patients regarding their testing results and their personal history is easier if therapists utilize the forms in this chapter and other similar tools. The Iceberg Model (IM) is discussed in detail for visually interpreting results of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III). Not only is it easy to understand for clients but also supplies a structured protocol for psychologists. Global assessment of relational functioning (GARF) scale is given to rate the patient's relational unit and level of functioning at the present time in his/her life. The GAF score is derived for a patient based on the patient's social, psychological, and occupational functioning on a daily bases in all areas of his/her life. Social and occupational functioning assessment (sofa) scale is used to estimate a person's level of functioning with respect to his/her mental and physical problems. The scale is completed as to how the patient is able to actually function in occupational settings and in social settings. The time period on which the rating is based should be this past month, or some other designated time frame.

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