
With the development of globalization processes and sufficient free movement of labor, and skilled personnel, the problem of legal and illegal migration has gradually become part of public policy for many countries. The aim of the article is to determine the priorities of the state migration policy for legal, illegal migrants and refugees and to form recommendations for the development of clear and transparent rules of the state migration policy taking into account the international legal field and in the context of economic security. An analysis of the main trends in the migration processes was conducted and it was found that over the past 30 years there has been a rapid increase in the number of international migrants and refugees, which puts pressure on the economies of host countries. It has been proven that migration affects the main components of national security, and the impact on the country's economic security is particularly pronounced. As a result, national security requirements must be taken into account when formulating state migration policy. The main components of the state migration policy were identified, the analysis of the main theories and approaches to the migration policy in relation to legal migration was carried out. The main problems of the state policy on illegal migration and refugees have been identified. The state migration policy is analyzed on the example of the EU countries and their overcoming of the migration crisis and the refugee crisis. The state determines the main priorities of migration policy based on national and economic security requirements. There are two main aspects of state migration policy: targeted attraction of immigrants and policy on illegal migration and refugees. There are three main approaches to attracting immigrants - encouraging all types of immigration, creating maximum barriers to immigration, and encouraging specific target groups of immigrants. With regard to illegal immigration, the state can take a tough stance or allow it to replenish the workforce. State policy on refugees is determined by the norms of international law. It has been argued that national migration policies need to be adapted to the current world economy, and that the main priorities include transparency, long-term forecasting of labor market needs, clear criteria for migrant admission and combating illegal migration, which is part of international crime.

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