
Ensuring the development of companіes as one of the conditions for the country's economic sustainability is of particular relevance in today's environment. The development of a company largely depends on ensuring the optimal level of financial security, which is an important condition for its effective functioning. Therefore, this paper proposes to consider ensuring financial security as the most relevant and priority decision when choosing a company development strategy, which will be beneficial in most circumstances of a changing market environment. Thus, the purpose of the paper is to study the theoretical and practical foundations of ensuring financial security of a company as a strategic approach and, consequently, a guarantee of development of such a company in the long run. The paper outlines the interrelation of the concept of strategic development with the economic category of "financial security", which results in determining that financial security is the basis for ensuring the prospects for the development of business activities. The categorical and conceptual apparatus of company financial security is detailed. Thanks to the study of the essence of strategic development and financial security, an understanding of these economic categories has been formed, which has allowed to formulate a concept of company strategic development aimed at preserving and strengthening its financial security as a condition for its uninterrupted functioning. The paper describes the essence of the components of the formed concept, including, in particular, the choice of strategy, analysis of the environment, definition of tasks and methods of their implementation, implementation of the strategy, evaluation of the results obtained and, if necessary, adjustment of strategic aspects. It is determined that the course of strategic planning and, accordingly, a qualified approach to its implementation are extremely important. These key aspects can provide a foundation for the smooth functioning of companіes and promote their sustainable development, which will ensure competitiveness, investment attractiveness and economic growth of the country.

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