
The aim of the research study is to investigate changes of lipid peroxide oxidation (PLO) indices and antioxidant system (AOS) of rats’ heart, liver and brain during the administration of adrenalin cardiotoxic dose.Material and methods. Experiments were carried out on white non-pedigreed male-rats weighing 180–220 grams of two groups: control and pilot — with adrenalin affection (in ten rats). Adrenalin affection was caused by intramuscular injection of 0,18% adrenalin hydrotartrate solution (1mg/kg of mass).The investigation was carried out in an hour after adrenalin injection. Concentrations of diene conjugate (DC), malonic aldehyde (MA), vitamin E, thiol groups, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were determined in rats’ heart, liver and brain. Statistical processing of digital data was performed by means of ”Excel” (“Microsoft”, USA) and “STATISTICA” 6.0 (“Statsoft”, USA). Adequacy of value variations between independent quantities was determined by Student criterion.Results. In control group of animals the highest activity of PLO and AOS was observed in the liver, the lowest was in the heart. Concentrations of MA and vitamin E were the highest in the liver homogenate. SOD activity was the smallest in the heart. The content of thiol groups was larger in the liver homogenate in comparison with results in the heart. DC, SH groups were increased in the heart in an hour after adrenalin injection. DC, MA, SS groups were increased in the liver but the content of vitamin E was decreased. Concentrations of DC, MA, thiol groups, SOD activity were increased in the brain but vitamin E concentration was decreased. DC and MA content, thiol groups, SOD concentration were the lowest in homogenate of the heart. The highest content of vitamin E was in the liver. The following correlations were discovered after adrenalin injection: concentration of vitamin E between the liver and heart (r=-0,82; р<0,05), between the liver and brain (r=0,75; р<0,05); in the liver: between DC and MA concentrations (r=0,97; р<0,001), DC and vitamin E (r=0,95; р<0,002), MA and vitamin E (r=0,97; р<0,001), DC and SS groups (r=0,84; р<0,02), vitamin E and disulfide groups (r=0,92; р<0,01); in the heart: between MA and DC concentrations (r=0,91; р<0,01), MA and vitamin E (r=0,96; р<0,001), MA and SH groups (r=0,78; р<0,05), DC and vitamin E (r=0,84; р<0,02), vitamin E and SH groups (r=0,86; р<0,02); in the brain between MA and vitamin E concentrations (r=0,90; р<0,01). Conclusions. 1. In intact animals the course of PLO processes and its intensity is higher in the liver and brain but the least is in the heart. 2. Activation of PLO processes is observed in an hour after the injection of adrenalin cardiotoxic dose. Maximal protection against lipid peroxide oxidation products is observed in the heart and is implemented due to vitamin E and hydrosulfide groups. It occurs in animals due to re-distribution of vitamin E content from the liver to the heart. The content of thiol groups is increased in the brain and SOD is activated.


  • Мета роботи — вивчити зміни показників перекисного окиснення ліпідів (ПОЛ) і антиоксидантної системи (АОС) у серці, печінці та мозку тварин при уведенні їм кардіотоксичної дози адреналіну

  • Статистичну обробку цифрових даних виконано за допомогою програмного забезпечення «Excel» («Microsoft», США) та «STATISTICA» 6.0 («Statsoft», США)

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Оригінальні дослідження

У серці, печінці та мозку щурів визначали концентрації дієнових кон’югат (ДК), малонового альдегіду (МА), вітаміну Е, тіолових груп, активність супероксиддисмутази (СОД). У мозку зросли концентрації ДК, МА, тіолових груп, активність СОД; концентрація вітаміну Е знизилася. Після введення адреналіну виявлено такі кореляційні зв’язки: концентрації вітаміну Е між печінкою і серцем (r=-0,82; р

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