
After the ancestors of Yi Nationality stepped into the class society, their traditional marriage was characterized by hierarchical endogamy, national endogamy, and levirate, etc. However, with rapid reformation of Yi Nationality in Dian and Qian Region since Ming and Qing Dynasty, they had changed their original strict hierarchical system, social structure, national structure, economic structure and ideology, with increasing internal disparate development. The series of changes not only broke traditional marriage form, and challenged the hierarchical endogamy and national endogamy, but brought into emergence filiality and chastity of women in Yi Nationality due to living mode, customs and behavioral manners of inland immigrants.


  • July, 2009 while originally suppressed Black and White Yi people had an increasing social status because of proper operation, become newly born landowners and imitated chieftains

  • Black Yi belonged to the exploiting class, while White Yi was an exploited class, so they didn’t establish intermarriage relationship with each other

  • Different degrees of changes happened in activities of daily living in ideological field which was affected by Confucianism, so intermarriage between different nationalities increased gradually

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Intermarriage between different nationalities

Since Ming Dynasty, different degrees of changes had taken place in the social structure, national structure and economic structure in Yi Nationality with further reign of the central Dynasty upon Yi Nationality and with continual inburst of inland immigrants, and the internal developmental imbalance was aggravated. Long married his firstborn daughter of the first wife to Chen Ding With his own experiences, Chen Ding introduced in detail his wedding ceremony and living customs, which offered specific historical records for us to have knowledge in intermarriage between upper classes of Yi Nationality under the circumstance of social reform at that time in Dian & Qian Region. Black Yi Long Yun got married with his cousin at an early age in the Republic Period, and married one Yi Nationality woman in Ludian as his concubine Later, he continued to get married with Li Peilian, daughter of Han traditional Chiense medicine doctor Li Canting in Binchuan County. This kind of intermarriage between different nationalities really reflected the mutual relations that no one can go along without each other in the process of Chinese development

Continual emergence of filiality and chastity among women in Yi Nationality
Prevalence of Confucianism
Changes of customs after tribal chiefs being changed into officials
Rapid reduction of Yi population and exemplary role of Han women
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