
BACKGROUND: At present aluminum industry is one of leading branches of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. The ecological situation in condition of the modern industrialization and urbanization leaves to want best. Bad conditions of the labor render the negative influence upon tissues of the oral cavity, promotes more expressing intensity of the diseases of oral cavity. Specified aspects and define urgency of persisting studies.
 AIM: The value of the influence of risks factor of aluminum production on condition of parodontology status.
 MATERIAL AND METHODS: Conducted the complex dentistry examination with deepened study of parodontology status of 250 workmans male of Tajik aluminum plant at the age from 30 to 50 years and checking group from 230 persons similar age-sexual sign, not having contact with bad factors of aluminum production. At examination of the oral cavity used the standard method of World Health Organization.
 RESULTS: Analysis the results of clinical and epidemiological examination of aluminum plants worker allowed to reveal high prevalence of parodontal diseases. In the main group this factor formed 100% under importance of 89.73.76% in checking.
 CONCLUSIONS: In the main group established high level of importance of the index hygiene of oral cavity that is indicative of bad hygiene and insufficient level of motivations to its realization.

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