
Intramedullary ependymomas are rare tumours but comprise the majority of intramedullary glial neoplasms in the adult. In this case report we introduced a 51 year old male patient with one month history of pain in the right arm and numbness in the right hand fingers. At neurological examination,there was a slight loss of sensory modalities along the right C6,C7,C8 dermatoms . Motor examination showed grade IV/V power in the right elbow flexion.Biceps and triceps tendon reflexes were diminished . In the sagittal Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) there were a santrally localized mass lesion extending from C5 to T1 vertebra level and expanding the cord. There were also a milimetric syringomyelia cavity extending between T2-T4 vertebra .The tumour was removed totally . Pathological diagnosis was compatible with grade II ependymoma (World Health Organization Central Nervous System Tumour Classification 2007).No radiation therapy was advised to the patient. These tumours are benign, slow-growing lesions which are optimally treated with gross-total surgical resection without adjuvant therapy. Postoperative functional outcome is related to preoperative functional status. Hence, early diagnosis prior to symptomatic progression is critical to the successful treatment of these tumours.

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