
Problem Statement. The article presents the analysis of the phenomenon “space” in the aspect of linguistic-and-cognitive approach to the language study. The research is conducted on the material of philosophical discourse, namely, on the texts of the philosophical treatise of F. Bacon “The Essays”. Means of verbal explication of the phenomenon “space” are analyzed using semantic-and-cognitive approach, their interpretational and quantitative analysis is conducted, the features of near and far periphery of the lexical-and-semantic field of the phenomenon “space” are determined, the specific features of its content in the English linguistic picture of the world in the consideration of philosophical world view are revealed. Results. The phenomenon “space” in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon is represented by the image of garden. The phenomenon garden in the English picture of the world is a complex multicomponent cognitive formation, its nuclear areas of cognitive structure incorporate the following features: “limitation”, “cultivated territory”, “place for rest”. The features belonging to far periphery of the phenomenon garden can be presented by three groups: “Organization of Space”; “Activity in Space”; “Evaluation of Space”. The most number of language examples represent the group “Organization of Space”, that contains the feature of geometrical parameters of garden and conditions of organization of garden space. Conclusion. Phenomenon “space” in the philosophical discourse is a complex mental formation. Its contents can be represented by structural-and-parametric model, basic elements of which are geometric parameters. Metric accuracy is the basis of space organization of garden in the aspect of philosophy of F. Bacon. Space is determined by the following function of garden: to be a comfortable place for esthetic visualization and relaxation, to present a result of the unity of man`s knowledge and experience and uniqueness of nature. The interconnection of the components of garden, their harmonious co-existence makes up an associative parallel between organization of garden space and miniature of the world model in the philosophical interpretation of F. Bacon. Space is considered to be a component of plant life, a locus for man`s activity, man`s constant experiment in harmony with nature.

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