
The article is devoted to the essence and content of such a philosophical and legal category as “paradigm”. It is pointed out that in the history of constitutional law scholars have identified several basic paradigms within which various theories andconcepts have been formed. The differences between these paradigms, which are fundamental, are related to the desire to explain the nature of constitutionalism through the prism of supernatural, or natural, or social origins. In this case, the paradigms themselves did not exist in isolation from each other, but were interconnected, each of them used thearguments of the other. In this regard, their allocation is to some extent conditional.Emphasis is placed on the fact that on February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation grossly violated the UN Charter, numerous norms of international law and committed an act of aggression - the most serious and gross violation of international law. It is these illegal actions (although the hybrid war has been going on since 2014) that have pushed the relationship between the countries of the world on the issue of ensuring national and global (world) securityfrom a “dead end”. It is time to reconsider the content and application of a number of concepts: “national interests”, “national security”, “nationalsecurity strategy”, “international security”, “threat to national interests”, “national security system”, “national security system”, “Security sector”, etc.So, it is time to reconsider the existing paradigm of legal science in general and constitutionalism in particular.The approaches of different scientists to the definition of the category “paradigm” are analyzed. Theauthor emphasizes the disclosure of the meaning of the concept of “paradigm of constitutionalism”.The following definition of the paradigm of constitutionalism is proposed - a set of ideal fragments ofconstitutional reality (concepts, values, principles, ideas and practices) shared by society at this stage of development and form a certain vision of constitutionalism, as well as specific solutions to constitutionalism.

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