
Case-based learning (CBL) is a newer modality of teaching healthcare, combining medical theory and practices. Many researchs reported effectivity of CBL to improve student-centered learning. The aim of this study is to evaluate how CBL improved students’ clinical reasoning compared with other method such as problem-based learning. An interventional research involved 4th grade medical students receiving PBL and CBL methods supervised by a tutor or instructure. An alternative method combining CBL and structured role play (in an Integrated-Patient Management method) also performed using clinical scenario with medical practice setting. The result showed that student received CBL had better clinical reasoning indicated from better miniquizz result compared with PBL students (p < 0,05, Mann Whitney U test. Students exposed with CBL had final MCQ and essay exam grade compared with unexposed students. Students exposed with CBL also had better clinical skill indicated from Objective Structure Clinical Examination (OSCE) result (p < 0,05, independent t test). Students’ acceptance level on CBL method is 79, 4%. It is concluded that compared with PBL, CBL is more effective in improved students’ performance, learning outcomes and clinical reasoning and also had high acceptance among medical students.


  • Sesuai dengan amanat Undang-undang Sisdiknas No 20 tahun 2003, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) menerapkan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi (KBK) berdasar pada Standar Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia (SKDI) tahun 2012

  • The aim of this study is to evaluate how case-based learning (CBL) improved students’ clinical reasoning compared with other method such as problem-based learning

  • Keterampilan klinis kelompok mahasiswa yang mendapatkan perlakuan dengan metode case-based learning (CBL) lebih baik yang dilihat dari nilai ujian praktek/OSCE

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Sesuai dengan amanat Undang-undang Sisdiknas No 20 tahun 2003, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) menerapkan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi (KBK) berdasar pada Standar Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia (SKDI) tahun 2012. Pada blok PIT TA 2016/2017 telah digunakan metode pembelajaran yang berhubungan erat dengan clinical reasoning dan problem solving, yaitu metode belajar diskusi tutorial dan bermain peran tersetruktur dalam bentuk kegiatan Integrated Patient Management (IPM). Diskusi tutorial pada Blok 4.1 menggunakan masalah kesehatan sebagai pemicu proses pembelajaran (Problem-Based learning/PBL) untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang dikehendaki melalui tahap seven jumps.

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