Introduction: Infrequent and characterized by mucocutaneous pigmentations, gastrointestinal polyposis, and an increased risk of malignancy, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic condition. The usual perioral macules and patches that are colored in the buccal mucosa are present in 90% of patients, and numerous but not continuously contiguous lesions, primarily in the gastrointestinal (G.I.) tract, with rarely more than 20 hamartomata's polyps, are the characteristics of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (P.J.S.). Present complaints and Investigation:-Suddenly felt sick to my stomach and started to puke. Abdominal pain, Black stools, repeated vomiting, weight loss of 5 kg in 15 days, loss of appetite, and Intussusception were discovered during examinations in the upper small bowel. A thorough study of the gastrointestinal tract was conducted. Endoscopically, the enormous polyps of the stomach and duodenum were discovered and biopsied. Resulting of bleeding due to the G.I. polyps, she became anemic. There were polyps. Later removed endoscopically while being sedated, C.T.'s Abdomen and pelvis found multiple mildly enhanced polypoidal lesions notes attached to the pyloric part of stomach and duodenum proximal jejunal loops, similar lesions of Ascending colon, transverse colon, and advice colonoscopy. History: The patient was admitted in 2015 And Operated on 26/12/2015, the year Jejunoileal intussusception. The primary diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and outcomes: After physical examination and investigation, Hamartomatous polyp (P-J Secondary Intussuseception ) Conclusions: The following primary complaints were the reason for the patient's hospital admission. Upon entry to the hospital, the patient's main complaint was that Peutz Jegher Syndrome was identified as the patient's condition once all investigations were complete. The patient now needs appropriate medical attention and quality nursing care.
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