
Introduction: Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that causes an inflammatory condition of the skin that affects the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. 2016 (Lee and Levell). Cellulitis of the lower limbs is a potentially dangerous condition (Halpern et al, 2008). Rubor or erythema, which is warm to the touch and often combined with a degree of localised oedema, is the most common symptom. However, because diagnosis is dependent exclusively on clinical data, it is commonly misdiagnosed [1]. There are a number of different illnesses that have symptoms that are similar to cellulitis. The purpose of this page is to provide information on the clinical symptoms of lower limb cellulitis as well as treatment options ensuring that practitioners are capable of making an accurate diagnosis and developing successful treatment programmes [2].
 Clinical Findings: Fever, pain over right lower leg, wound present right dorsal foot, weariness, malaise, and swelling were the patient’s main complaints.
 Diagnostic Evaluation: Haemoglobin 14.7%,total RBC count 4.77, total WBC count 16100, platelet count 1.56, KFT – UREA -57 CREATININE -2.0 potassium- 4.6, LFT ALKALINE PHOSPHATE -105, ALBUMIN3- 0 TOTAL BILIRUBIN- 1.4 micro report is normal. His liver function and coagulation studies were normal. A diagnostic work-up that includes blood cultures, dengue, malaria smear, typhoid, and other tests. The following tests were sent: leptospirosis, monospot and stool investigations, and Clostridium difficile PCR [3].
 Therapeutic Intervention: Four primary analgesic drugs, antibiotics drug in penicillin.
 Conclusion: My patient, a 65-year-old man, was hospitalised to the Hospital's medicine ward on June12, 2021.Fever, pain over right lower leg, wound present right dorsal foot, fatigue, malaise, and edema were among the symptoms that the patient had. His health improved when he received appropriate treatment. The patient was follow up after 1 weak [4].

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