
Introduction: - The liver is irrevocably damaged and replaced with scar tissue as a result of the late-stage liver disease cirrhosis. Scar tissue prevents your liver from functioning properly. Cirrhosis typically develops decades after the onset of chronic liver disease. Men experience it twice as frequently as women. Clinical Findings:-Weakness, loss of appetite, easy bruising, skin yellowing (jaundice), itching, and weariness are all symptoms of cirrhosis. Diagnostic Evaluation: -Blood test: - HB % = 9.3gm%, total RBC count = 2. 99cu.mm, total WBC count = 11800cu.mm, total platelet count = 1.23 lac cu.mm, total protein = 6.5g/L, total bilirubin = 15.8g/L, lymphocytes = 10%, monocytes = 0.2%, albumin =2.2. Peripheral Smear: - RBCs - Normocytic mildly hypochromic Platelets - Reduced on smear APC - 38000 cells/mm³ as per cell counter no Haem parasite seen. Ultrasonography:- Options include liver needle biopsy, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). an innovative imaging technique called electrography. Therapeutic Intervention: - Inj. Albumin 20% × OD, Inj. Vitamin K 10mg ×OD, Inj. Optineuron ×OD, Inj. Pan 40mg × OD, Inj. Emset 4mg × SOS, Inj. Levoflox 500mg × OD.
 Outcome: - After treatment the patient show
 Improvement. His appetite is improved and skin condition is also improved and his Weakness is reduced.
 Conclusion:- With a known case of liver cirrhosis, the patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of weakness, loss of appetite, easy bruising, jaundice, itching, and weariness. His condition improved after receiving the proper care.

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