
Indonesia, known as the motto or motto of the nation "Bhinneka tunggal ika" which means that "different but still one" from Sabang to Merauke Indonesia country has different customs or cultures in ways and behaviors that characterize each region. Minangkabau adat is basically the same as custom in other tribes of Minangkabau cultural distinctiveness with other cultures in Indonesia because Minangkabau people embrace the lineage system according to Mother or known as matrilineal. In addition, Minangkabau cultural customs regulate the distribution of inheritance harmonized with the matrilineal system so that the inheritance is left to the women. In solving a dispute related to Mamak's heritage is one of the traditional figures who participate in it, Mamak is expected as a central figure with the role of overcoming the problem of equitable division of inheritance, but instead doing the right by contradicting and selling the people's inheritance called harto pusako high (high treasures) in MinangkabauMamak is expected as a central figure with the role of overcoming the problem of equitable division of inheritance, but instead do the right otherwise by pawning and selling the inheritance of the people called harto pusako tinggi (high treasure) in Minangkabau (especially Kota Solok). In fact, many cases of Mamak have been involved in criminal law issues related to property disputes disputes, so many of them inhabit the penitentiary. This research is a research with descriptive type with qualitative approach. Therefore, this research can be used as one of the suggestions for relevant stakeholders for equitable division of heritage, and minimize the perjualbelian of the treasury itself. This research was conducted in West Sumatera Province in Solok City area. Sources of data used, namely: primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study with Observation, Interview, and Library Studies.The conclusion that can be obtained from the results of the research is the cause of the shift in the role of Mamak or deviation from the role of Mamak, among others, caused by the insistence of economic influence and globalization and the lack of musyawarah between Mamak with kemenakan in making a decision taken by Mamak so that the birth of a term Aia gadang , baraliah barn, batuka season, customs and atmosphere will barobah so that the treasure is not given for the benefit of the nephew but for the sake of his family which basically belongs to Bundo kanduang instead turns into the property of Mamak itself.Keywords: Minangkabau Adat, Role of Mamak, Heritage Treasure


  • Karakteristik Minang adalah sistem kekerabatan yang matrilineal, yaitu garis keturunan dan penguasaan harta kekayaan menurut garis ibu

  • Indonesia, known as the slogan or motto of the nation "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which means that "we are different but still one" from Sabang to Merauke, the country of Indonesia has different customs or cultures in ways and behavior that characterize each region, the Minangkabau custom is basically the same as custom in other tribes, the peculiarities of Minangkabau culture with other cultures in Indonesia are due to the Minangkabau people adhering to the lineage system according to Mother or known as matrilineal

  • The customary law of Minangkabau culture regulates the distribution of inheritance which is harmonized with the matrilineal system so that inheritance is handed over to women

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Berdasarkan tabel di atas, dapat dipahami bahwa kasus sengketa pembagian warisan yang melibatkan Mamak dari tahun. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kasus tersebut perlu mendapat perhatian serius untuk merevitalisasikan dan mengoptimalkan peran mamak sebagai pemuka adat yang bertanggungjawab mengelola harta pusaka. Kota Solok, seperti: chaniago, piliang, koto, melayu, dan tanjung sering bersengketa dalam proses pembagian warisan. Banyak beberapa kasus Mamak terlibat persoalan hukum pidana terkait sengketa pembagian harta sehingga banyak di antara mereka yang menghuni lembaga pemasyarakatan. Tahun 1999 tentang Pedoman Penyelesaian Masalah Hak Ulayat Masyarakat Hukum Adat. Peraturan ini dimaksudkan untuk menyediakan pedoman dalam pengaturan dan pengambilan kebijaksanaan operasional bidang pertanahan serta langkah-langkah penyelesaian masalah yang menyangkut tanah ulayat. Oleh sebab itu, penting untuk melihat optimalisasi peran Mamak dalam penegakkan hukum adat Minangkabau pada sengketa pembagaian harta warisan di Kota Solok, Sumatera Barat

Rumusan Masalah
Kontribusi Temuan yang ditargetkan
Luaran Kegiatan Adapun luaran yang diharapakan dari penelitian ini adalah
Meninjau langsung dan membuat jadwal wawancara dengan Niniak Mamak orang
Luaran Luaran dari penelitian ini adalah
Gadih gadang alum balaki yang berarti anak gadis belum bersuami
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