
Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma is an aggressive malignancy that arises in the epithelial and/or myoepithelial component of a pleomorphic adenoma. A 21-year-old female patient presented at a hospital dental center with a painless sessile nodule on the hard palate. An incisional biopsy was performed and the histopathologic result of a pleomorphic adenoma was obtained. A second specimen was sent for immunohistochemical analysis and revealed fragments of ulcerated mucosa, partially covered by stratified squamous epithelium, which was proliferating. Atypical squamous cells with high mitotic activity forming nests and cords in a desmoplastic stroma were observed. The chondroid component of the lesion was confirmed by S-100 immunoexpression amidst the proliferating cells. A final diagnosis of carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma was made. The patient underwent oncologic resection of the tumor and was provided with a palate-filling prosthesis. Currently, she is in the preradiotherapy oral management phase and will remain in follow-up.

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