
Biomass and carbon stock assessments in data-deficient plantations and identifying the factors influencing tree growth, distribution, and carbon stocks are extremely important for implementing sound silvicultural management and monitoring practices to achieve REDD+ goals. We conducted carbon stock assessments in five major plantation types in a regional landscape in the central Western Ghats, India, by establishing fifty 0.1-ha plots across the landscape. We quantified the overall carbon stocks by summing the carbon pools across mature trees, deadwood, and soil (0-15cm) components. Allometric equations were compared to address the uncertainty in the tree biomass carbon. The tree biomass carbon and soil organic carbon varied significantly across the plantation types (F = 55.23, p < 0.00). The present study yielded the highest carbon stocks in Pinus plantation (201.91 ± 9.52Mgha-1) and the least in Eucalyptus (122.63 ± 9.73Mgha-1). The correlation analysis displayed a strong influence of mean annual precipitation and edaphic factors on soil organic carbon, while basal area and elevation were good predictors of tree biomass carbon. The principal component analysis revealed an association of predictor variables in the distribution of plantation types. We found a strong association between mean annual precipitation on Pinus plantation and mean annual temperature on Eucalyptus and Acacia plantations. On the other hand, teak pure plantation was associated with structural and topographic variables, while edaphic factors mainly influenced the distribution of teak mixed plantations. The findings of the present study conclude substantial carbon storage ability of the plantations in the studied landscape which can play a significant role in mitigating the effects of climate change and reaching carbon neutrality.

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