Se describe las características del desarrollo madurativo social, en relación con los niveles de desarrollo neuropsicológico de los niños del área suburbana. La muestra fue conformada por 100 niños, en edades comprendidas entre los 12-36 meses, de ambos sexos, asistentes regulares a los Centros Infantiles del Buen Vivir de la comunidad de los “Vergeles” y sus alrededores. Se aplicó la Escala de Madurez Social de Vineland y la Prueba de Tamizaje del Desarrollo de Denver II. Se demostró que los grados de independencia social están ligados al correcto desarrollo neuropsicológico; además el desarrollo madurativo de los niños y niñas asistentes al sistema público de CIBV está dentro de los parámetros normales y esperados, salvo excepciones que demuestran un pobre desarrollo. No obstante, las escalas correspondientes a cada edad dentro de la prueba de tamizaje, exponen niveles pobres de desarrollo en áreas de comprensión y emisión del lenguaje hablado, como consecuencia los aspectos vinculados al área motor, se muestran también afectados por la dificultad de entender órdenes y por lo tanto seguirlas AbstractThe characteristics of the social maturational development are described, in relation to the levels of neuropsychological development of children in the suburban area. The sample consisted of100 children, aged between 12-36 months, of both sexes, regular assistants to the Children’s Centers of Good Living of the community of “Vergeles” and its surroundings. The Vineland Social Maturity Scale and the Denver II Development Screening Test were applied. It was demonstrated that the degrees of social independence are linked to the correct neuropsychological development; In addition, the maturational development of the children attending the public system of CIBV is within the normal and expected parameters, with exceptions that show poor development. However, the scales corresponding to each age within the screening test, expose poor levels of development in areas of the understanding and emission of spoken language, as a consequence the aspects related to motor area are also affected by the difficulty of understanding orders and therefore follow them.Thecharacteristicsofthesocialmaturationaldevelopmentaredescribed,inrelationtothe levelsofneuropsychologicaldevelopmentofchildreninthesuburbanarea.Thesampleconsistedof100children,agedbetween12-36months,ofbothsexes,regularassistantstotheChildren’sCenters ofGoodLivingofthecommunity of“Vergeles”anditssurroundings. The Vineland SocialMaturity Scale and the Denver II Development Screening Test were applied. It was demonstrated that the degreesofsocialindependencearelinkedtothecorrectneuropsychologicaldevelopment;Inaddition, thematurationaldevelopmentofthechildrenattendingthepublicsystemofCIBViswithinthe normal and expected parameters, with exceptions that show poor development. However, the scales corresponding to each age within the screening test, expose poor levels of development in areas of the understandingandemissionofspokenlanguage,asaconsequencetheaspectsrelatedtomotorarea arealsoaffectedbythedifficultyofunderstandingordersandthereforefollowthem.
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