
- This work was aimed at evidencing the agronomic performance and linear and canonical associations of Quinoa crop grown Rio Grande do Sul state. The trials were carried out in the municipality of Pelotas - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with three Quinoa genotypes, being them Altiplano, Salcedo and BRS Piabiru, arranged in four replicates. The morphological differentiation of quinoa genotypes occurs through the number of teeth expressed by leaves. Quinoa seed yield is based on the joint action of mass of one thousand seeds, number of seeds per inflorescence and number of seeds per plant, being the Altiplano and Salcedo genotypes considered superior. Seed yield components of quinoa plants are potentialized by plant height, petiole length, leaf teeth number and flower length. The definition of agronomic performance, linear and canonical associations is a pioneer study for this species and may be used in future studies with pseudocereals focused on seed science and technology.

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