
The accuracy of simulated cycles in high-level simulators is generally less than the accuracy in detailed simulators for a single-core systems, because high-level simulators simulate the behaviour of components rather than the components themselves as in detailed simulators. The simulation problem becomes more challenging when simulating many-core systems, where many cores are executing instructions concurrently. In these systems data may be accessed from multiple caches and the abstraction of the instruction execution has to consider the dynamic resource sharing on the whole chip. The problem becomes even more challenging in microthreaded many-core systems, because there may exist concurrent hardware threads. Which means that the latency of long latency operations can be tolerated from many cycles to just few cycles. We have previously presented a simulation technique to improve the accuracy in high-level simulation of microthreaded many-core systems, known as Signature-based high- level simulator, which adapts the throughput of the program based on the type of instructions, number of instructions and number of active threads in the pipeline. However, it disregards the access to different levels of the caches on the many-core system. Accessing L1-cache has far less latency than accessing off-chip memory and if the core is not able to tolerate latency, different levels of caches can not be treated equally. The distributed cache network along with the synchronization-aware coherency protocol in the Microgrid is a complicated memory architecture and it is difficult to simulate its behaviour at a high-level. In this article we present a high-level cache model, which aims to improve the accuracy in high-level simulators for general-purpose many-core systems by adding little complexity to the simulator and without affecting the simulation speed.

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