
Climate change has been a global challenge and BRICS countries are not excluded from these challenges which affect weather conditions and subsequently lead to disasters. Climate change is regarded as a change in climate patterns that are caused by the increase in the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. Because of the awareness of this challenge, the purpose of the study was to look at possible ways to reduce pressure on the climate, particularly in BRICS countries. The objective of this study was to convince BRICS countries to use trade agreements to look at business models that would not put much pressure on the climate. Secondly, to ensure that companies do not produce carbon dioxide that is toxic to the climate. This study aimed to find ways to protect BRICS countries from various disasters that are caused by climate change. Business agreements between BRICS countries should, therefore, have terms and conditions that seek to protect the climate and natural resources. Because of the availability of data concerning the causes of climate change, this study applied a secondary research design. Reports, findings of the previous study, and conference findings data assisted in reaching the findings of the study. In conclusion, BRICS countries have to quickly do something about climate change. The floods that South Africa and India have experienced in 2022 should be the main reason why BRICS countries must prioritize the agreement.

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