
The SARS-CoV-2 virus (coronavirus) is a pathogenic agent that affects the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract responsible for the pandemic that started in December 2019 in China. In the city of São Paulo, the Municipal Decree 59.285/2020 suspended face-to-face service to the public in different establishments, directly affecting the Food Service. The reopening of the commerce, announced on June 10, 2020 by Municipal Ordinance No. 625/2020, originated from Decree 59.473/2020, established challenges: requirement of security protocols and service limitations. The city is recognized as the gastronomic capital of Brazil for the volume of restaurants and gastronomic diversity. As an important part of the local economy, the restrictions generated severe impacts in the sector. This article aims to identify and analyze, through qualitative exploratory research, perceived changes and perspectives for the segment of upscale contemporary restaurants in the city of São Paulo. A literature review, documentary research, and consultations with chefs and Experts in the area were carried out using a semi-structured script. The sample was by convenience and counted on 8 respondents. The main results were: a drop in sales with layoffs and closing of businesses; adjustments in menus for new systems (delivery and take away); challenges in the process of recovery involving financial maintenance of the business and regaining customers.

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