Born total cross sections for inelastic collisions of protons with excited hydrogen atoms may be derived approximately from the Born cross sections for inelastic collisions of electrons with excited hydrogen atoms. A comparison of the exact and approximate Born cross sections for the collisions p + H(nl) yields p + H(n'l'): 1s--2s, 1s--2p, 3s--4p, 3d--4f, shows that they agree down to energies near the Born maximum. By using the known electron cross sections, approximate Born total cross sections are calculated for proton collisions for some of the transitions 1--n'; 2--n'; 3--4, 5; 4--5, 8; 5--8; 10-- 11. In addition, a simple formula is given for finding other approximate proton cross sections in terms of the approximate electron cross sections calculated recently. (auth)
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