
The ELECTR module of NJOY is designed to produce complete and accurate multigroup electroatomic cross sections from ENDF/B-VII data[1, 2]. electr produces restricted cross sections consistent with a solution of the multigroup Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck (BFP) equation. Total, elastic, inelastic (collision and bremsstrahlung) cross sections can be averaged using a variety of group structures and weighting functions. The Legendre components of the within-group elastic and group-to-group inelastic collision cross sections are calculated using tabulated data in energy and analytic expressions of the angular deviation recovered from the CEPXS code[3]. Here, we propose an Open-Source implementation of this module, named electr in NJOY2012 and NJOY-2016.[4] electr also computes partial energy deposition and charge deposition cross sections for each reaction and sum these partial contributions. The resulting multigroup constants are written on an intermediate gendf file for later conversion to any desired format.

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