Deviance, Terrorism, and War: the process of solving unsolved social and political problems. John Burton, Oxford: Martin Robertson. 1979. 240pp. £13.50 The Political Economy of War and Peace: the Sino‐Soviet‐American triangle and the modern security problematique. Richard K Ashley, London: Frances Pinter. 1980. 384 pp. £15.00 The Third World Reassessed. Elbaki Hermassi, London: University of California Press. 1980. 223 pp. £9.00 Building in Hot Dry Climates. Bawant Singh Saini, Chichester, England: John Wiley. 1980. 176pp. £15.00 Territory and Function: the evolution of regional planning. John Friedmann and Clyde Weaver, London: Edward Arnold. 1979. 240pp. £9.95 Foreign Enterprise in Developing Countries. Isaiah Frank, London: John Hopkins University Press. 1980. 199pp. £3.50 Trade Amongst Growing Economies. Ian Steedman, Cambridge University Press. 1979. 157 pp. £9.50 The Development Process: spatial perspective. Akin L Mabogunje, London: Hutchinson University Library for Africa. 1980. 383 pp. £12.00. £5.50 pb Food for the Future. Keith O Campbell, London: University of Nebraska Press. 1979. 188 pp. £7.50 Water, Health and Development. R Feachem et al, London: Tri‐Med Books. 1978. 267 pp. £3.25 Evaluation for Village Water Supply Planning. S Caimcross et al, Chichester, England: John Wiley. 1980. 179 pp. £7.70 Safe Drinking Water: current and future problems. Edited by C S Russell, Washington, DC: Resources for the Future. 641 pp. $12.00 The Soviet Union in World Politics. Edited by Kurt, London. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press (distributed in the UK by Croom Helm). 1980. 380 pp. £14.95 Legal Aspects of the New International Economic Order. Edited by Kamal Hossain, London: Frances Pinter. 1980. 285 pp. £15.00 The First British Commonwealth: essays in honour of Nicholas Mansergh. Edited by Norman Hillmer and Philip Wigley, London: Frank Cass. 1980. 192 pp. £ 12.50 The Liberal Dilemma in South Africa. Edited by Pierre L van den Berghe, London: Croom Helm. 1979. 164pp. £8.50 Suffer the Future: policy choices in southern Africa. Robert I Rotberg, London: Harvard University Press. 1980. 311pp. £9.00 Africa and International Communism. Edited by David E Albright, London: Macmillan. 1980. 277pp. £12.50. £4.95pb . African Women. Christine Obbo, London: Zed Press. 1980. £12.95 Fighting Two Colonialisms: women in Guinea‐Bissau. Stephanie Urdang, New York: Monthly Review Press. 1979. 320pp. £8.95 General History of Africa: Vol 1, methodology; Vol 2, ancient civilisations of Africa UNESCO, London: Heinemann Educational. 1981. 800pp & 832pp. £13.50 per vol The Rise and Fall of an African Utopia: a wealthy theocracy in comparative perspective. Stanley R Barrett, Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 1977. 251pp. £5.95pb Beyond Manila: Philippine rural problems in perspective. Gelia Castillo, Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. 1979. 420 pp. $18.00 Japan, China and the Modern World Economy: toward a reinterpretation of East Asian development ca. 1600 to ca. 1918. Frances V Moulder, Cambridge University Press. 1979. 255pp. £3.95 pb The Chinese and the Japanese: essays in political and cultural interactions. Edited by Akira Iriye, Princeton University Press. 1980, 368pp. £13.70. £5.45 pb Schooling in the ASEAN Region: primary and secondary education in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Edited by T Nevile Postlethwaite and R Murray Thomas, Oxford: Pergamon. 1980. 328 pp. $22.00 Pasture and Politics: economics, conflict and ritual among Shahsevan nomads of northwestern Iran. Richard Tapper, London: Academic Press. 1979. 312 pp. £17.00 The Lebanese Civil War. Marius Deeb, New York: Praeger. 1980. 158p. £16.00 Reason Wounded: an experience of India's emergency. Primila Lewis, London: George Allen and Unwin. 1980. 220pp. £5.50 Japan's Economic Aid. Alan Rix, London: Croom Helm. 1980. 286 pp. £14.95 Law and State in Papua New Guinea. Peter Fitzpatrick, London: Academic Press 1980. 290pp. £12.60 Malacca, Singapore and Indonesia Vol 2: international straits of the world. Michael Leifer, The Hague: Sijthoff and Noordhoff. 1978. 217pp. np Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran: clergy‐state relations in the Pahlavi period. Shahrough Akhavi, Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. 1980. 255 pp. $9.95 pb Iran: from religious dispute to revolution. Michael M J Fischer, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard. 1980. 314 pp. £10.50 The Rise and Fall of the Shah: 1941–79. Amin Saikal, London and Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 1980. 279 pp. £7.95 The Shah's Story: an autobiography. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, London: Michael Joseph, 1980. 240 pp. £8.50 Multinationals in Latin America: the politics of nationalisation. Paul E Sigmund, London: University of Wisconsin Press. 1980. 426pp. £13.50. £3.90 pb University and Government in Mexico: autonomy in an authoritarian system. Daniel C Levy, New York: Praeger. 1980. 174pp. £13.00 Sex and Class in Latin America: women's perspective on politics, economics and the family in the Third World. Edited by June Nash and Helen Icken Safa London: Zed Press. 1980. 330 pp. £4.95 pb Assassination on Embassy Row. John Dinges and Saul Landau, London: Writers and Readers. 1981. 411 pp. £6.95 pb
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