Ideological divisions over South Africa Class and Colour in South Africa 1850–1950. Jack and Ray Simons, London: International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa. 1983. 625pp. £5.00 Change in South Africa: Blind Alleys or New Directions? Christopher R Hill, London: Rex Collings. 1983. 207pp. £12.50 Kampuchean crisis Peasants and Politics in Kampuchea, 1942–1981. Edited by Ben Kiernan and Chantou Boua, London: Zed Press. 1982. 401pp. £16.95. £6.95pb Kampuchea: Decade of the Genocide. Edited by Kimmo Kiljunen, London: Zed Press. 1984. 126pp. £14.95. £5.95pb Promoting Third World Agriculture: Lessons of Recent Experience. Christopher D Gerrard, Ottawa, Canada: North‐South Institute. 1983. 64pp. $6.00pb Trade in Services: A Case For Open Markets. Jonathan David Aronson and Peter F Cowhey, Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 1984. 46pp. The Sociology of the Third World: Disparity and Development. J E Goldthorpe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. 320pp. £22.50. £8.95pb Down to Business: Multinational Corporations, the Environment and Development. Charles S Pearson, New York: World Resources Institute. 1985. 108pp. $3.50pb Migration Surveys in Low‐Income Countries: Guidelines for Survey and Questionnaire Design. R E Bilsborrow, A S Oberai and G Standing, London: Croom Helm (for the International Labour Organisation). 1984. 552pp. £14.95 The Standard of ‘Civilisation’ in International Society. Gerrit W Gong, Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1984. 267pp. £19.50 Habib Bourguiba, Islam and the Creation of Tunisia. Norma Salem, London: Croom Helm. 1984. 270pp. £16.95 The Story of an African Working Class: Ghanaian Miners' Struggles 1870–1980. Jeff Crisp, London: Zed Books. 1984. 200pp. £16.95. £6.50pb A Peace in Southern Africa: The Lancaster House Conference on Rhodesia. Jeffrey Davidow, London: Bowker Publications. 1984. 143pp. £15.50 Urbanization in Kenya. A Bottom‐up Approach to Development Planning. R A Obudho, London: University Press of America. 1983. 400pp. £15.50pb In Defence of Canada. Indochina: Roots of Complicity. James Eayrs, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1983. 348pp. $45.00. $17.50pb Regional Security in the Middle East. Edited by Charles Tripp, Aldershot, England: Gower (for the International Institute for Strategic Studies). 1984. 182pp. £12.50 The Two Yemens. Robin Bidwell, London: Longman. 1983. 350pp. £15.95 The Struggle for South Yemen. Joseph Kostiner, London: Croom Helm. 1984. 195pp. £14.95 The British Empire in the Middle East 1945–1951: Arab Nationalism, the United States and Post‐War Imperialism. William Roger Louis, Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1984. 803pp. £45.00 Communication Policy and Planning in Singapore. Eddie C Y Kuo and Peter S J Chen, London: Kegan Paul International (in association with the East‐West Communication Institute). 1983. 111pp. £9.95pb Dependent Development and Industrial Order: An Asian Case Study. Frederic C Deyo, New York: Praeger. 1981. 138pp. £13.00 Basic Needs and the Urban Poor. P J Richards and A M Thompson, London: Croom Helm. 1984. 276pp. £14.95 Pricing, Planning and Politics: A Study of Economic Distortions in India. Subroto Roy, London: Institute of Economic Affairs. 1984. 36pp. £1.80pb Micronationalist Movements in Papua New Guinea. Edited by R J May, Canberra: Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University. 1982. 487pp. np Inequality in New Guinea Highlands Societies. Edited by Andrew Strathern, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1982. 190pp. £19.50 West Papua: The Obliteration of a People. TAPOL, London: TAPOL. 1983. 114pp. £2.50pb Non‐Jewish Zionism: Its Roots in Western History. Regina Sharif, London: Zed Press. 1983. 152pp. £11.95. £5.50pb The Conflict of Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan. Edited by Richard Tapper, London: Croom Helm. 1983. 463pp. £19.95 The Great Game: Rivalry in the Persian Gulf and South Asia. Edited by Alvin Z Rubinstein, New York: Praeger. 1983. 275pp. np Unions and Politics in Mexico: The Case of the Automobile Industry. Ian Roxborough, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. 209pp. £22.50 Economic Integration among Unequal Partners: The Case of the Andean Group. Alicia Puyana de Palacios, Oxford: Pergamon (in association with the Centro de Estudios Económicos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo—CESTEEM). 1982. 405pp. np Nicaragua: la difficulté d'être libre. Alain Gandolfi, Paris: Editions Karthala. 1983. 264pp. np Des prêtres au gouvernment: L'expérience du Nicaragua. Teofilo Cabestrero, Paris: Editions Karthala. 1983. 133pp. np Global Development: Issues and Choices. Edited by Khadija Haq, Washington DC: North‐South Roundtable of the Society for International Development. 1983. 231pp. np Crisis of the 1980s: World Monetary, Financial and Human Resources Development Issues. Edited by Khadija Haq, Washington DC: North‐South Roundtable. 1984. 317pp. np Crisis in Economic Relations between North and South. Edited by Norman Schofield, Aldershot, England: Gower. 1984. 439pp. £18.50
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